Friday, June 17, 2005

A Day In The Life of Me!

I thought I would share some pictures of my day. I wish I would have thought of this first thing so y'all didn't have to miss the intense frisbee playing of Riley. He decided that the lawn of the college was the perfect size!

Frisbee King. (Ely, MN)

After the frisee was subdued, I went for a leisurely stroll and saw some really old rocks.

Old Rocks.(Ely, MN)

And many things which could be weeds or flowers -- depending on your perspective.

Then I met Andi, the Beagle, 12-years-old, and a resident of Ely. Her mom works at Zups (Supermarket.)

Andi the Ely-ite

Then I realized I was close to the water tower and close to where my grandmother lives:

And we visited for a while and then I left and saw some old cars. Shiny!

Then we went shopping!

My grandmother assures me this is dill.

I spared you 700 pics of all the dogs I've seen today.
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